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Chinese translation for "maps and charts"


Related Translations:
chart:  n.1.海图,航(线)图,航海图;地势图(=physical chart),(军用)地形图(=topographic chart)。2.图,略图;图表;(物价、温度等的)曲线图,线标图。3.(仪器中用的)刻度记录纸。短语和例子a bathygraphic chart海洋水深图。 a hydrographic chart水道图。 a duty chart工作时间[进度]表。
charts:  排行榜算图图表
charted:  详细制定
charting:  编制海图海图制图绘图记录表格填图用图表示制图;绘制海图制图表作出决策
map chart:  陆海图
Example Sentences:
1.The most effective way of storing maps and charts is achieved by some form of suspension .
2.The only maps and charts he had to go by were remembered or imaginary but these were clear enough .
3.After the japan kobe earthquake in 1995 , the japanese government developed an “ earthquake prevention plan ” with mainly three aspects ; one of them is to carry out large scale exploration survey activities around tokyo with different means and protract earthquake data maps and charts
1995年阪神大地震后,日本政府制定一个以大城市为减灾对象的《地震对策方案》 ,该方案主要有三个方面的内容,其中之一就是通过各种手段在东京都附近开展大规模探测活动并绘制地震数据图表。
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